
Milton Public library is dedicated to providing a welcoming and safe environment for customers of all ages. It is for the safety of each child that the library has adopted this Safe Child Policy.

Milton Public Library wants children to use its facilities and services. Children in the library should always be accompanied by a parent, a guardian, or an assigned caregiver who is no less than 12 years of age. The responsibility for the safety and behaviour of children in the library rests with the parent, guardian, or caregiver and not with the library staff.


Children up to age 10 must have a parent, guardian, or caregiver in the immediate vicinity of, and in visual contact with, the child. An exception would be children attending a library programme. The parent, guardian or caregiver is expected to remain in the library building and immediately join the child at the end of the programme.

If a child in this age group is found unattended, library staff will attempt to locate the parent, guardian, or caregiver in the library and inform him/her of the policy. If the parent, guardian, or caregiver cannot be found, or if the child is found unattended again, the police will be called for assistance.

Sharing the Library environment with other people requires that everyone follow the Library Code of Conduct established by the Library Board and posted in each library building and on the library website. If a child in this age group violates the Library Code of Conduct, the child and the parent, guardian, or caregiver will be informed of the code. If inappropriate behaviour continues, the family may be asked to leave the library.

Children ages 10 to 11 may use the library on their own, however, parents are still responsible for the actions and the well-being of their child(ren). Children using inappropriate behaviour may be asked to leave the library. If a child in this age group is not able to leave the library without an adult, he/she should not be in the library alone.  All children should have the telephone number of someone who can assist them in an emergency.

Children ages 12 to 17 are treated as adult users. However, they are still legally the responsibility of their parents and should have an emergency contact available.

Library staff are obligated by the Ontario Child and Family Services Act to call the Police or the Halton Children’s Aid Society if a child is in need of protection.


Milton Public Library Board

Issued: December 2011

Reviewed: March 2021